Work on Projects
- EU SNKE on an EU - China Product Safety Project (topic: production shifts within Asia), 2021 - 2022);
- EU NKE for the preparation of a 2-day conference on Green Growth in Vietnam, 2021;
- AUSAID, Agriculture Panel Expert for the Australian Development Gateway (2010 – 2011);
- UNDP, Team Leader, Technical Support to the BRR, Post-Tsunami reconstruction, Aceh, Indonesia, 2005-2006;
- World Bank, East Timor, Civil Service Training in SME Promotion (“Small Enterprise Project II”), Economist / Consultant, 2003;
- EC Global Review II, Philippines, Mission Leader, Evaluation of the EU’s Development Programme to the Philippines, follow up mission, Manila, 2002;
- EC Global Review II, Philippines; Team Leader, Evaluation of the EU’s Development Programme to the Philippines. Evaluation included 10 projects in the areas of agriculture development, health and governance, Manila, 2001;
- ADB Indonesia, Road Networks Development in Eastern Indonesia - Study, Team Leader a.i., Jakarta, 1998.
Projects managed (selection):
- AusAID, Australia Indonesia Infrastructure Grants for Sanitation (Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative, 2012;
- AusAID, Indonesia, Financial Reform of 20 PDAMs ((Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative, sector: sanitation, 2012
- ADB/AFD, Cambodia, Northwest Irrigation Sector Project (Cambodia), Lead: BCEOM France, 2005;
- ADB, Cambodia, Tonle Sap Environmental Management Project (Capacity Building Component), 2005;
- KfW, Cambodia, Reproductive Health Project, Lead: GFA Medica Germany, 2004 - 2005 and 2006 – 2008;
- BTC, Vietnam, Identification Mission for Sanitation Improvement and Environmental Conservation in Binh Thuan Province, 2004;
- World Bank, East Timor, Civil Service Training in SME Promotion (Small Enterprise Project II), 2002-2003;